Friday, April 8, 2016

BLM has urge to kill whites

Apparently, it's a real effort to not kill white people and men.  It's so difficult to not kill poeple, she needs help from her god to avoid it.

Full Story:

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Prayer Warriors Needed Now!!

What the fuck are we praying for??   It doens't matter...  Let me take a shot at this for you K!

"Dear Lord, sweet baby Jesus;  who art so tiny, juts laying there in your manger, while livestock shit all over the straw.  Please help poor K learn about critical thinking, and how to apply it as a thinking tool, to help her reduce the amount of faulty conclusions she embraces, and to improve the quality of her life."

You think that'll help her?  I doubt it....  but at least it made me feel better....   Because that's about all prayer is good for.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

An example of the silly shit leftists say....

I would love to see how happy these idiots would be if they could actually live in the America they say they want, one with no military and no police officers....  Where public policy was based on religion and appeals to emotion instead of data and science.  

These people want us to return to where we were centuries ago in our thinking, and our public policies, which is why many of us refer to them as "regressive leftists".

Monday, April 4, 2016

The Satanic Temple in action in SF

While others "talk" about pseudo-science, and superstitious thinking, The Satanic Temple is actually doing something about it.

This is a video from their most recent event over the weekend in San Francisco, protesting the ISSTD and the dangerous stupidity they endorse and claim is science.  I was so honored to be able to participate in this action.

Daily Kos
Religion Dispatches

What the other side is saying:
A call for an uprising

About the ISSTD:
Gives annual achievement award to witch hunting conspiritard

Friday, March 25, 2016

What can be done about bias and superstitious thinking?

What can be done about bias and superstitious thinking?
I submit the only way to overcome bias and superstitious thinking is education.
People must be educated to learn that we all have biases. We all have blind spots that occur naturally in our perspective.
It's more than just education, though, that's only the first step. Once educated, one must be committed to the on-going effort of recognizing their own biases, and trying to see around them. It's so easy to allow intellectual laziness to take over, and to become comfortable with your biases instead of working hard to see around them.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

What is a "leftist" or a "rightist"?

Here is the difference between a regressive leftist, and a regressive rightist, Jeff Foxworthy Style:

  • If you think Sam Harris's or Bill Mahers ideas on Islam are best described as hateful, or islamophobic, you might be a regressive leftist. 
  • - If you think Eric Garner or Michael Brown didn't at least contribute to their own deaths, you might be a regressive leftist.
  • - If you think college campuses should be designated as "safe spaces", you might be a regressive leftist.

  • - If you support religious freedom for theists, but not for atheists, you might be a right-winger (rightist)
  • - If you go around talking about freedom, and liberty, but oppose the rights of gays to marry each other, or for women to obtain safe, legal abortions, you might be a right-winger.